Sunday, February 24, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Scripture of the Golden Eternity

Jack Kerouac

Stare deep into the world before you as if it were the void: innumerable holy ghosts, buddhies, and savior gods there hide, smiling. All the atoms emitting light inside wavehood, there is no personal separation of any of it. A hummingbird can come into a house and a hawk will not: so rest and be assured. While looking for the light, you may suddenly be devoured by the darkness and find the true light.

I've burned my own house down


I've burned my own house down,
the torch is in my hand.
Now I'll burn down the house of anyone
who wants to follow me.

We are the driving ones

By Rainer Maria Rilke
(1875 - 1926)

We are the driving ones.
Ah, but the step of time:
think of it as a dream
in what forever remains.

All that is hurrying
soon will be over with;
only what lasts can bring
us to the truth.

Young men, don't put your trust
into the trials of flight,
into the hot and quick.

All things already rest:
darkness and morning light,
flower and book.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

As sunlight is attributed to the moon

As sunlight is attributed to the moon, so is the Beloved's form ascribed to the lover; but in truth

each image painted
on the canvas of existence
is the form
of the artist himself.
Eternal Ocean
spews forth new waves.
"Waves" we call them;
but there is only the Sea.