Thursday, December 01, 2005

Dust and sand in his eyes, dirt in his ears,
He doesn't consent to stay in the myriad peaks.
Falling flowers, flowing streams, very vast.
Suddenly raising my eyebrows - where has he gone?
- Hsueh-tou (980-1052)

The 'you' who you think you are does not exist.
- Alan Watts

The road enters green mountains near evening's dark;
Beneath the white cherry trees, a Buddhist temple
Whose priest doesn't know what regret for spring's passing means-
Each stroke of his bell startles more blossoms into falling.
- Keijo Shurin

Powell's Books - Roaring Stream (Ecco Companions) by Nelson Foster

In Sunyata:
No Form, no Feeling, no Thought,
No Volition, no Consciousness.
No Eyes, no Ears, no Nose, no Tongue, no Body, no Mind.
No Seeing, no Hearing, no Smelling, no Tasting,
No Touching, no Thinking;
No world of Sight.
No world of Consciousness;
No Ignorance and no end to Ignorance;
No Old Age and Death and no end to Old Age and Death.
No Suffering, no Craving, no Extinction, no Path;
No Wisdom, no Attainment.
- Heart Sutra

You've got to practice meditation when you walk, stand, lie down, sit, and work, while washing your hands, washing the dishes, sweeping the floor, drinking tea, talking to friends, or whatever you are doing. When you are washing the dishes, washing the dishes must be the most important thing on your life. Just as when you are drinking tea, drinking tea must be the most important thing in your life.
- Thich Nat Hahn

Cold Mountain is a house
Without beams or walls.
The six doors left and right are open
The hall is blue sky.
The rooms all vacant and vague
The east wall beats on the west wall
At the center nothing.
- Han Shan, circa 630
Translated by Gary Snyder

Barn's burnt down--
I can see the moon.
- Masahide (1657-1732)

image credits unknown

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